About Us

A place to breathe.


During your treatment, we will help you with your aches and pains, as well as give you exercises and suggestions on how to keep them at bay.

The osteopathic approach is holistic, which means every aspect of your health and function of your body is taken into account, Osteopathy is uniquely client-centered — not problem -driven.

Proin vulputate cursus vestibulum. Pellentesque sem sem, egestas vitae vulputate in, feugiat at ex. Aliquam venenatis vel eros id imperdiet. Curabitur sapien turpis, mattis mattis massa vel, posuere vehicula quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed tincidunt eget orci eu maximus. Nunc quis mi porttitor, ultricies nulla et, finibus diam.

Donec consequat turpis ac lorem bibendum, sit amet euismod orci fringilla. In varius nulla eu diam pellentesque mattis sed ut mauris. Curabitur aliquet fringilla risus, in gravida leo condimentum eget. Fusce sed faucibus magna, ullamcorper rhoncus libero. Suspendisse libero ipsum, convallis sed ultricies eu, feugiat nec orci. Aenean erat magna, vehicula a ipsum sed, egestas imperdiet purus. Suspendisse elementum auctor luctus.

Stefano Mittempergher D.O., B.Sc. (Hons)

Stefano is a graduate of osteopathy from the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques in Montréal. In 2010, he obtained his Bachelor of Science in Osteopathy (B.Sc. Hons) with the University of Wales. In 2014, he successfully defended his thesis: “The influence of the osteopathic treatment on the pulmonary ventilation of oarsmen, a pilot study.” Stefano remains involved with the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques as a teacher’s assistant, a thesis advisor, and a supervisor in the outpatient clinic, all while still giving 100% to his clients. Thanks to his experience and the many postgraduate courses he continues to take, such as Mechanical Link and Specific Adjusting Techniques, he is able to work with a wide spectrum of people to effectively treat their injuries. This includes pregnant women, newborns, toddlers, musicians, students, and professionals. With over a decade of competitive swimming, a passion for CrossFit and athletics in general, not to mention a CrossFit Level 1 Certification, Stefano aims to use his skills to help athletes return to their training as quickly as possible.

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